19 September 2012


Let me take you on a tour of the lighthouse now that it is freshly swept and empty and before it gets filled with new things tomorrow...

This is the ground floor, looking down as we walk up the curved stairs...

The first floor is completely black, perfect for a projection...

The second floor is also black and this is the room I've used as a studio when I'm here...

Up to the third floor: a really tall space where the very long Spurn Cloth #2 will hang...

Then we get to the landing below the lamp room.  This is well lit and perfect for some more subtle pieces to be situated...

The stairs up to the lamp room are more of a ladder really... 

And once in the lamp room you can walk round to get up onto the platform where you can see the amazing view.

There are 149 steps in all but it is worth the climb, especially on a bright day like today.


  1. What a beautiful space, not only in its own right but as a place to work and display.
    I have been following you for a while and have been trying some simple rusting experiments. My rusty fabrics tend to all end up yellowy, rather than retaining sone of the bluer and blacker shades of metal decay. Can you give any advise on how to maintain the spectrum of colour.
    Wishing you well!

    1. Hi Sue. Sorry not to reply sooner... The greyer shades I've been getting are because I use tea to wet the paper or fabric. This darkens the marks. If you just use water you'll get the more orange/yellow shades. Good luck, Alice
